Schizotrichia by Rod Unks

August 09, 1999
August 02, 1999
July 26, 1999

August 16, 1999

Welcome to another installment of SCHIZOTRICHIA and another new article delivering the most thought provoking insights you'll ever see. See the one-liners that'll soon be hitting a bumper sticker near you! Continue on at your own risk!

You shouldn't mix your drugs...

Lions sleep 20 hours a day. That kicks so much ass...

Every good party should have at least 3 whores...

Men are horny...


People are starving and we have mall stores devoted to selling designer paper...

People who list their sites on Yahoo are such sell-outs...

Universal truth #8: Love and crazy are two sides of the same coin...

Does every episode of lAw & ordEr end with a person on trial for depraved indifference?

The secret to getting women: hypnotism...

In some parts of the world, dried foreskin is prized for its medicinal value. These parts of the world should immediately be destroyed...

Richard Gere and the Dalai Lama must be lovers...

For the "New To Me" file: Women don't enjoy being called snatches or cunts, the latter guarantees several kicks to the groin...

If dancing can be considered a sport, so should sex...

Vegans are the Nazis of the food world...

If alive today, Jesus would easily be doing porn...

There is a time to kick ass, and a time to kiss ass...

God is all forgiving which perfectly explains the existence of hell...

Don't call me depraved because I'd pay money to see the prim and proper character of Queen Amidala bent over a straight back chair getting naughty things done to her...

Don't judge me!

The finest gift a woman can give a man are tube socks...

"If you can't say something nice, you shouldn't say anything at all" worked really well in Nazi Germany...

Free Kevin Mitnick, won't you? can't explain why he can't be killed through conventional means.

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