Now, I know, back at Exhibit 29, I inducted the entire Talkback community at Ain't It Cool News into the Shrine, so, in a very true sense, this is redundant. But Dextarin has to go in on his own merits. I can't help it. The posting calls to me. It sings its siren song in my ear. "Delusional... psychotic... misguided... enshrine me... enshrine me." And far be it from me to ever ignore the siren song.

For you context lovers, Dextarin is a bit upset that The Matrix trounced The Phantom Menace in the technical Oscars. Unlike all the other retards who vented their spleens over this alleged injustice, however, Dextarin is a man with a plan. So, Academy members, watch out!

SUBJECT: That's it!!! The academy is dead!

The academy has severely fucked with SW now, and I AM a SW fan. NO ONE fucks with one of my favorite movies! You all hear me! No one! I going to take this opportunity to announce that I am going to enter the industry and publicly destroy the fucking academy....and I am perfectly serious. By this time next year, if you hear stories about someone vocally abusing and insulting the academy both on TV and outside the ceremony building (or even inside if I get that far), mark my words! It will be me. I repeat. This is not a joke. No one has ever seen me this pissed off before. And when I get pissed off, I have a tendency to perform miraculous things. Mark my words! I will be the greatest threat the academy has ever seen!

Unfortunately, Dextarin's reign of terror was cut short when it was discovered that, contrary to his mother's wishes, he did not in fact trim the azalias or scrub out his nacho plate, thus grounding him and sparing the Academy from a FATE WORSE THAN DEATH. Yet his sacrifice was not in vain, because future generations will know of his mighty aspirations via my own humble efforts.