The subject line as art form. It's a bold, untested sea out there in the realms of writing and performance art. Few are willing to take the Christof-esque leap into the unknown and try to actually turn their subject line into a prose work. For artistic achievement above and beyond the call of brain damage, we proudly added to the Shrine (on January 4, 2000) the anonymous speckwit who offered up the following subject line to the otherwise rigidly intellectual world of the hierarchy:

SUBJ: Monkeyspank Charles Miller Jr....your homo leader hiding under a new even worse name JuggaloHomoJr. shows his homosexuality and how his father Charles "King Homo Supreme" Miller Sr. taught him to rape, molest and fuck Enoryt666 to target: Doane

In many ways, this is the War and Peace of Usenet subjects, only without all the Russian and with a lot more insipid verbage. And, just in case you thought the subject line was a fluke, perhaps a mistake caused by typing the entirety of the message in the actual subject line, we present, for completeness, and for edification (such as it is), the remaining text of the post:

Now just look at this interesting reply from your out of the closet leader....This gay bastard is continuously asking men to be spanked by him, asking if they enjoy the spanking and countless other homo references and he does it all day long, because he obviously enjoys gay men and trying to court many regular straight men probably as well.....This uh "man" if you dare call him that, shouldn't be allowed anywhere in the outside world...although countless evidence has come forward that he doesn't go out because if he had, he would have made something in his life, but instead he posts usenet 24/7.....he is a disgrace and a true joke to society.....What's more funny is that if homo supreme here would go outside and talk jack to "real people" (not over the screen where you are protected, monkeyspank jr.), he be beat the living shit out of in a moment and well deserved he should be, he should be beaten to death, chopped up, destroyed and thrown into a box and mailed off to South Africa where starving children will make good use of his battered and destroyed faggot ass carcass...His continual sexual obsessions with people such as Tyrone (Enoryt666), ZFP, and now he's trying for a new conquest after his last boyfriend, Darien Allen found out how much he was fucked by his father, Monkeyspank Charles Miller Sr.....who is currently incarcerated in local penitentiary because of murdering his wife after he found her with a lesbian ho, and for castrating his fag son, Monkeyspank Juggalo Homo Charles Miller Jr. and countless heterosexual men....his newest target Charles Doane..very sad, very sad indeed....he's constantly desperate for love from men that he loses everyone because his true intentions are found out...look how he is so obcessed with Charles Doane....he looks for his every post, calling him "his bitch"....that by the way is what heterosexuals say to their women, you queer're a faggot remember that, you have no bitches, you ARE a bitch to others though...So, you want Doane to suck your balls nice and slow....what's wrong, hasn't Darien Allen or your faggot father done that enough to you queer....aren't you able to suck your own balls using the torture chamber your father has constructed for you, gay ass.........You should be very ashamed to ask men to suck yours you gay ass, very sick bastard....hopefully you will be destroyed very soon or else the world may suffer.....Heed the warning now, for this faggot may go near you ANY time VERY careful....

Of such rough stuff are pioneers in art made. If people had discounted Picasso after his series of epigrams referring to DaVinci as a "monkeyspank homo drawing naked men in squares and circles", we would have lost a great deal. In that spirit, this too is preserved for the ages.