Exhibit Three, from April 27, 1998, marks the first time Usenet was used as primo source material for a Moron Shrine enrollee. It would not be the last.

This post was found on rec.arts.sf.tv, in a thread entitled "Star Trek Science Advisors". For some context, one "John Kern" is defending a different moron, "TJ". TJ had spent the previous two weeks trying to rationalize and justify such scientific errors in Trek as the infamous "below absolute zero" temperature quoted in "Casino Royale".

Look you Babylaniac TJ has not been defeated! And let it be known that Trek does get its science right.I have posted this many times to Defiant vs. White Star.If Trek did get its science wrong we would have ended up with another Battlestar Glactica.But Gene cared too much about his show and the fans that were precious to him.

ST:TOS had some bad science but this was mainly b/c the network didn't believe the show would be successful and forced allot of shootumup FX into the show.

Later with TNG they realized how successful the show was, and allowed Gene to hire real scientist and put them on staff.These experts worked out the math and theory of all of the devices we see in ST now.I mean these were people like Hawking who appeared in one of the latter episodes. Voyager and DS9 continue in this grand groundbreaking tradition.Although DS9 is more of and Epic like The Iliad.

So please be careful when you mock Trek.If not for Trek then all the lesser SF that you enjoy so much would disappear.

To this day, whenever I read this, I have this mental picture of an aging, senile Gene Roddenberry, staggering from an office full of booze and starlets, next door to this elaborate research facility, covered in blackboards and scrawled equations, and screaming at a bunch of guys in white lab coats, "Look, we premiere in TWO FUCKING WEEKS! Can I modulate the deflector dish or not? I need an ANSWER! What do you think I'm paying you for?"