Computers Continue to Improve Our Lives (4/28/98)

Over twenty thousand people logged on to America Online last night to chat with Koko, a 26-year-old, 300 pound gorilla who has been learning basic sign language for the past 25 years.

Although Koko's vocabulary is around 2,000 words, her AOL chat was hampered by the fact that none of those words were "d00dz", "m/f?", or "wanna hot chat?".

America Online was chosen for the chat because of its wide market penetration, plus the fact that Koko's estimated IQ of 86 was only 5% higher than her average audience.

Although Koko's responses were, for the most part, short and to the point, including a request for "food and Smokes" for her birthday and "Toilet.", by the end of the 45 minute chat she had been propositioned by four pedophiles and three lonely men masquerading as mountain gorillas.

America Online, undaunted, has planned several other animal chats over the coming weeks, including a chat with a parrot named Polly, the dog from "Frazier", and cereal magnate Tony the Tiger.