Ingrid Kane
Gemma Esquer
James Goldstein
Jack Duran
Chet Dingfield
Roger Stilton
Daniel LaPierre
Sir Douglass

Character Descriptions

Ingrid Kane

Ingrid Kane is happy with her looks. Tall, lithe, and beautiful, she's the perfect physical type for her job as a television journalist. There's a surreal quality to her beauty which is further enhanced by her violet-seeming eyes. She's serious about her image, and spends as much money on clothes as possible to achieve the professional look she favors. She's the type of woman who can't help but be noticed.


In the dreaming, her business suit turns into more feminine diaphanous slips of fabric, layered, yet outlining her figure in shifting iridescent colors. She becomes taller, her ears become pointed, and her eyes glow in a deeper violet than seems possible. This all seems very well suited to the air of regal formality she projects as Artemisia.

Gemma Esquer

Gemma Esquer is short and voluptuous, with deep green eyes and long, silky black hair. Her feline side translated well into human form, resulting in delicate features that balance out the roundness of her hips and bosom. Having recently departed from the novitiate, she hasn't yet reacquainted herself with much fashion beyond clean, simple lines and fabrics in mostly dark gray and black colors. Although she's not above jeans, she still feels most at ease in long skirts and long-sleeved shirts.


Now, then, her fae form, Solangia is nearly the same, but with feline eyes, ears, and the short, puffy tail of her breed. Sometimes, just for fun, she'll wear a pair of black cat-eyed glasses. Solangia usually struts about in an outfit strikingly similar to the one Gemma had bought on a strange whim and then kept hidden in the back of her closet ever since: leather pants, and low-cut, thin, finely-knit sweater -- all in black, of course.

James Goldstein

Tall, thin, gaunt, with greasy hair and annoying cowlicks, and a perpetual five o'clock shadow, James Goldstein's clothes are loose and baggy, worn and tattered, and he wears plastic black-rimmed glasses à la 90's grunge...


But in his fae mien, Aranth has a large red nose, cheeks and ears, receding chin, and a pasty white and greasy complexion. He's still thin and gaunt, with knobby joints and a generally red skin tone. He wears the finest of finery, as do all nockers, based in deep purples and grey-blues, cap to stockings, looking very much like a nobleman in all this splendor to himself and most other Changelings... but if the rest of the world saw him, they'd deem him a "clown." Yet no matter his clothes, no matter his skin, James somehow always manages to look comfortable.

Jack Duran

Jack Duran's size is the first thing one notices. At over two meters in height and 170 kilograms, he dwarfs most mortals. He's caucasian, with a well-tanned olive complexion and black hair cut short. Despite this fairly imposing exterior, his features give a strangely soulful, almost haunted impression to those who look closely.

He's probably wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and running shoes (size 15) if encountered off-duty. At night he'll put on a sweatshirt or warmup jacket. His firearm is holstered under his shirt, at the small of his back.


Rolando is a Troll armsman of typically enormous proportions. What is unusual about him is his copper-colored skin shot through with streaks of pale blue like mineral veins. These blue markings darken and collect around his eyes, which are pure azure orbs. His surprisingly gentle countenance is only a little offset by his small brown-black horns, and he would appear serene but for a strange troubled quality.

Rolando wears a massive suit of intricately worked verdigris-colored plate with gold inlays. The hilt of a greatsword juts above his right shoulder and a battle-axe and dagger are within easy reach at his belt.

Chet Dingfield

Chet's most striking feature is his strong jaw. That's the first and last thing about Chet's body that anyone would describe as "strong". His body is a dichotomy, pairing the lanky limbs that once belonged to a cross-country runner with the obvious paunch around the midsection of someone who enjoys fine foods, and enjoys them quite often. An unkempt mess of dirty blond hair hangs down past his shoulders, surrounding chunky cheeks and a forehead that is nearly constantly broken out with a slight case of acne. His dark blue-purple eyes are accented by ever more apparent laugh lines, but are usually covered by his nearly omnipresent sunglasses. More often than not, Chet has a cigarette hanging from his lips or tucked behind an ear.

Kirby Haruspex

In his fae mien, Kirby is a miniaturized version of his mortal self. Not even as tall as his apparent mortal seeming of 5'9", Kirby stands a mere 5 foot tall, at most. His hands, though, are huge for his body. Appearing in his fae mien, Kirby also seems even older. His laugh lines are even more deeply ingrained and his face is slightly more leathery. His tiny ears are barely noticeable. His forehead clears up, but his hairline has receded even farther, nearly reaching the top of his head. Well-worn and broken in, Kirby's clothing merely serves to further the impression that Kirby pays little attention to matters of fashion.

Roger Stilton

Roger is 5’11” with a lean frame, about 160 lbs. He has black hair streaked with grey, and a well tanned face that has begun to show some age. His eyes are brown and slightly narrow, and he has a slightly pointed nose. He usually wears black boots, blue jeans, a button down shirt and a black cowboy hat with a braided, brown leather strap. He smokes Drum cigarettes using Orange Zig-Zag papers.


Tall and thin, his face is dark and gaunt with drawn cheeks and rough weathered skin. His grey and white hair is long on the back and sides, and tied in a pony tail. If he takes his hat off, you see that the top of his head is bald. His black hat remains; however, it is dusty and trail worn. He is covered by a large Mexican -style poncho, with wide faded stripes of red and blue. He wears dark jeans, and well worn brown boots.

Daniel LaPierre

In his mortal seeming, Daniel is a high-powered business executive. Still, he manages to stay on the cutting edge of fashion, wearing silk shirts, the finest suits, usually in some combination of blue and black. Often, he'll wear a exquisitely cut pinstripe jacket and pants ensemble, with a blue shirt and solid blue tie. His face is strong, with a lantern jaw and deep wavy black hair.

Sir Douglass

Douglass' fae mien demonstrates his title; he is a knight of Rogerio's court and dresses as such. He wears chimerical chain armor with a chain coif that covers his midnight-black hair, a blue tabard, often with the insignia of House Liam emblazoned on the chest, and a long sword at his left hip. his face in his fae mien is weighed down with what seem to be inestimable sorrows; unlike most sidhe, he is dour and quiet, often with a look of preternatural worry on his face.