Scene One
Scene Two
Scene Three
Scene Four
Scene Five
Scene Six
Chapter Two: The Mummy
Scene One: Modern
mgrasso> Ok, before we get started, I direct everyone to the log of the first part of this story:
mgrasso> Heh.
mgrasso> (Christine, you should flip through it too if you hope to understand anything that happens here tonight :) )
mgrasso> And I need a minute to gather my materials.
Sam> Gather away, homie.
*** Erica is now known as Gemma
*** Sam is now known as Jack
Gemma> It took me a moment to remember Gemma's name for some reason.
*** Julia is now known as Ingrid
mgrasso> (Ah, there's the info I need. On the back of Christine's scribbled character sheet :) )
mgrasso> All right, if everyone has taken a look through the log to their satisfaction?
Ingrid> I'm down with it. :)
James> yup...
Jack> Kool.
mgrasso> I can remind you that last time, we were attending the premiere of a local artist, Arthur McCoughey.
mgrasso> In the middle of his show, he broke down, gibbering, and his son had gone missing in the museum.
mgrasso> We found that a couple of the pieces in the modern art gallery had been animated as chimera.
James> and the glamour got sucked out of the room
mgrasso> And we'd just gotten through with talking with a swirly Jackson Pollock.
mgrasso> Yes, that's true, James.
Jack> Not to mention the chimera in the sculpture gallery...
James> and the missing painting
mgrasso> Yes, I was counting that one. The modern sculpture that Jack killed. :)
James> servers it right for being modern
mgrasso> And yes, one of McCoughey's paintings is gone. It's called "Mummy."
mgrasso> All right. So, here we are. The Pollock just told us that the boy went through the next gallery, as if he was trying to hide something.
mgrasso> Or hide from something.
James> /me reaches out delicatly and touches the talking painting
James> argh! (I hate that
James> )
Ingrid> I think we should go after him. Poor kid.
mgrasso> "Uh, what are you doing to me, I mean, why would you just reach out and touch a painting in a museum do you know how rude that is..."
Gemma> Just humor us in a few liberties, painting.
mgrasso> It just sort of stammers to itself rapidly.
James> I wanted to see if your wet.. .I mean you're swirling around and everything... besides, yoko ono has exhipits that are supposed to be touched... don't you want to be that cool?
* Jack rolls his eyes.
James> (so is it wet?)
mgrasso> The Pollock swirls silently in front of James. It seems, oddly, speechless.
mgrasso> Nope, it's not wet.
mgrasso> It is solid, chimerically, though.
mgrasso> So, shall we go try to find McCoughey's kid?
Jack> I'm ready.
Scene Two: Propaganda
mgrasso> All right. The next gallery's lights are out.
James> furking pishers and their furking fathers who cant keep track of em
Ingrid> I wouldn't mind getting away from these paintings.
* Jack hits the light switch.
Gemma> Fine, might as well.
James> (could I see anything before he does?)
Ingrid> No offense to you, Swirly.
James> <~~~ troglodite
br>mgrasso> Jack turns on the light near the large doorway. Inside this next gallery, the walls are covered in what appear to be Soviet propaganda posters.
br>mgrasso> (No, James. There was nothing moving or anything evident.)
mgrasso> It's an exhibit titled "Images of Work of War: Soviet Propaganda, 1920-1945"
James> (k... lets try to keep that in mind, for "dark" situations)
mgrasso> (Work *and* War.)
mgrasso> (Will do, James)
Jack> (any of the propaganda posters chimerical?)
James> commies kissing the babies...
mgrasso> The posters are full of burly men striking hammers on forges, women laboring in factories. The predominant colors used in the posters are red and brown.
* Ingrid scans the room
mgrasso> Jack: Perception + Kenning, diff. 7. Ingrid, Wits + Scan, diff. 8.
Ingrid> !dice 5 8
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 5d10 at difficulty 8. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 7 3 7 5 9
Jack> !dice 3 7
* DiceWell Jack rolls 3d10 at difficulty 7. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 10 10 3
Jack> Here we go again folks.
* Jack goes over to the animated poster.
mgrasso> (By the way, everyone should keep their web browser open tonight for visual aids)
mgrasso> (If you can)
Jack> (no problemo, I love to multitask)
Ingrid> (no prob)
* James does a Irish jig, and then leans his ear aginst the floor
Jack> Do you all see this one moving?
James> !dice 6 5
* DiceWell James rolls 6d10 at difficulty 5. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 9 9 2 3 4 9
mgrasso> Jack points to a poster on the far side of the room. Gemma and Ingrid scrutinize it.
mgrasso> Gemma, Ingrid, Percept + Kenning, diff. 4
Ingrid> ! dice 5 4
Gemma> !dice 6 4
* DiceWell Gemma rolls 6d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 1 2 3 8 2 10
mgrasso> Ingrid, did you get your roll back?
Ingrid> ahem.
Ingrid> no.
-> [DiceWell] PING
Ingrid> try again?
mgrasso> Sure.
Ingrid> ! dice 5 4
Ingrid> ah, I see.
mgrasso> It's the space, Julia.
Ingrid> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 2 4 7 9 8
mgrasso> Wow. Ingrid sees two figures walking towards her.
mgrasso> (I take it no one in the oathcircle has Russian? :) )
Gemma> (I saw nothing?)
mgrasso> Gemma eventually sees the chimera that Jack and Ingrid have spotted.
Jack> (nice vis. aid, Mike)
mgrasso> (thanks Sam :) )
mgrasso> The two burly comrades walk towards Ingrid, Gemma, and Jack. James is still talking to the floor. :)
* Gemma glances at James, then back at the figures
mgrasso> The male puts his hammer down as he looks up at Jack's face. He's about 6 feet tall, and big, but Jack is bigger.
Ingrid> Wait, are these figures in the poster?
* Jack makes an open-handed gesture.
mgrasso> Yes they are Ingrid.
mgrasso> I'm sorry if I didn't explain.
Jack> (hopeful indicating "glasnost")
Ingrid> okay, thanks. I'm a little slow on the uptake yet.
* James looks up- "It seems the boy was joined by anothe- holy shit..."
mgrasso> They are walking around the gallery, sketchy and red and brown just like the drawing. Like cartoons come to life.
Ingrid> What, James?
mgrasso> Jack: Give me a Charisma + Athletics roll, diff. 6. I know it's weird. :)
mgrasso> But this is the respect that the two workers have for such a large and burly looking "fellow worker." :)
Jack> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Jack rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 1 8 4 6 9
mgrasso> Jack's open hand gesture receives a response of the male figure from the poster extending his hand in friendship.
* Jack clasps the figure's hand.
mgrasso> It feels like... a chimera. Real flesh and blood, but, very obviously, not a real human being.
Jack> Uh...hello. Do you speak English?
mgrasso> The male chimera says something in Russian.
Ingrid> !dice 5 5
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 5d10 at difficulty 5. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 3 9 9 1 5
* James whispers to gemma
Jack> I don't suppose anyone here speaks Russian...?
James> the boy went into the next gallery, but "a shadow passed... became two shadows" he may not be alone anymore
* Ingrid eyes the huge burly woman with something close to pity.
mgrasso> The woman hefts her huge wrench and supports it on her shoulder with an audible grunt.
Ingrid> Not unless Russian is closely related to Spanish.
mgrasso> James, Intelligence + Intuition roll.
mgrasso> Diff. 7
James> !dice 3 7
* DiceWell James rolls 3d10 at difficulty 7. S/He botches the roll.
* DiceWell 1 4 2
James> ouch
mgrasso> Dum dee dee dee deee... hoo ah hoo ah.
mgrasso> Anyway, the male figure from the poster seems to be waiting for you to communicate with him.
James> hail commerade
Jack> I'm sorry...we don't, uh, we don't understand Russian.
mgrasso> He says something again in Russian to you, this time with a tinge of pity in his voice.
Jack> Damn, can't we draw him a picture or something?
Ingrid> Charades?
mgrasso> Has anyone got the skill "Expression"?
mgrasso> Talent, rather.
Ingrid> nope.
James> could I try and use empathy to see what he's trying to convey?
mgrasso> Sure, that sounds good. Give me a Perception + Empathy roll, diff. 8.
Ingrid> Enigmas?
James> !dice 6 8
* DiceWell James rolls 6d10 at difficulty 8. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 1 5 8 5 7 2
James> = P i suck
Gemma> Can I try?
mgrasso> Ingrid: to try and do a quick translation of what he's saying, Int + Enigmas, diff. 9.
mgrasso> Yes, Gemma, go ahead.
Ingrid> !dice 4 9
Gemma> !dice 5 8
mgrasso> Oh, for cripes sake, Dicewell.
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 4d10 at difficulty 9. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell Gemma rolls 5d10 at difficulty 8. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 1 6 9 6
* DiceWell 9 4 2 2 3
mgrasso> Not good enough, either of you.
Ingrid> Damn. What about investigation?
mgrasso> Nope.
mgrasso> The male worker is walking backwards, apparently back into the poster.
mgrasso> The female worker stands still for a moment, then she too walks back into the poster.
* Gemma sighs
Gemma> Well, that was ... there.
mgrasso> Shall we move along to the next gallery?
Jack> Guess so.
Gemma> Sure
Ingrid> Yes.
James> /me walks by the poster and infuses it with a bit of glamour
mgrasso> James: you're dropping a point in there?
James> (argh!)
James> yeah
mgrasso> Excellent.
Scene Three: Native
mgrasso> The next gallery is full to bursting with examples of native, Pre-Columbian, Southwestern art and artifacts.
James> how many doors out?
mgrasso> Mostly, these are stone petroglyphs and artifacts, although there are a couple of large tapestries on the walls and some weapons. All of the stones are behind glass.
Jack> Oh I even have to ask if anyone speaks Hopi?
mgrasso> There's only one door out, and that's far to the left.
James> /me walks over to the door frame
James> (why won't it work?)
mgrasso> (I dunno. It's weird)
Ingrid> Can I scan again?
Gemma> Are the tapestries completely pinned to the walls? Or is it possible to look behind them?
mgrasso> Anyone doing any browsing in this gallery.
Jack> I'll check for more chimera...
mgrasso> Ingrid: Int + Scan, diff. 6. Gemma, you could lift them up a bit and look, yeah. Jack: Per + Kenning, diff. 8.
Ingrid> !dice 4 6
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 4d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 1 6 7 4
Jack> !dice 3 8
* DiceWell Jack rolls 3d10 at difficulty 8. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 5 3 10
* Gemma walks around and looks behind the tapestries
James> !dice 6 6
* DiceWell James rolls 6d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 9 9 1 2 8 7
* Ingrid walks slowly past the artifacts, peering at them suspiciously.
mgrasso> Ingrid and Jack sort of give the room a once-over.
mgrasso> They don't find much.
Gemma> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Gemma rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 5 7 4 4 2
mgrasso> James is over by the door out, and Gemma's still looking behind the tapestry.
Ingrid> What's on the other side of James's door?
Ingrid> oh, out.
mgrasso> Another gallery, dark, like the others. :)
Ingrid> I'd like to have a look.
Jack> Same here.
mgrasso> All right, Ingrid's off to the next gallery.
mgrasso> So's Jack.
* Gemma starts waving her hand
Gemma> Guys... come here
Ingrid> What's up, Gemma?
mgrasso> Jack turns on the light as Gemma tries to bring them back.
* Ingrid backtracks.
Jack> What is it...
Gemma> I think this is the way to the boy.
mgrasso> Is Gemma leaving the tapestry?
Ingrid> What's the way?
Gemma> No, merely sticking her head out enough to call them over.
mgrasso> Fair enough.
* Ingrid peers behind the tapestry.
* Gemma steps behind the tapestry
mgrasso> Ingrid's only about 10 feet away, and she sees Gemma step behind the tapestry and disappear.
Ingrid> oh.
mgrasso> *poof*
James> Guys?
Ingrid> What, James?
James> what's going on? where'd Gem go? the door said they went into the next gallery
* Ingrid is still heading for the tapestry to see where Gemma went.
Ingrid> "they" meaning the boy and the shadows?
Jack> I think we'd better follow her...
mgrasso> Ingrid peers behind the tapestry, and sees nothing but a blank white wall.
James> A big figure carrying a kid
James> Ingrid? where's Gem?
Ingrid> I don't know, James. Shewas right here behind this tapestry and then she was gone!
James> Furkin pooka! Gem? Gem?
James> /me races over to the tapestry
James> argh!
mgrasso> (curiosity killed the cat)
* Ingrid looks for stray cats in the room.
mgrasso> (*grin*)
James> /me argh
James> blah
James> I'm gonna look behind the tapestry
mgrasso> Gemma is nowhere to be seen; behind the tapestry, or in the room at all for that matter.
Jack> Damn.
James> I'm going to touch the wall behind the tapestry
mgrasso> James knocks on the wall like a good nocker. :)
mgrasso> It's solid.
* Ingrid looks at the back side of the tapestry.
mgrasso> The back side of the tapestry has a little mark on it.
* Ingrid peers closely at the mark, reaching out to touch it.
mgrasso> It's shaped like a little dancing figure, with wild hair and a flute to its mouth.
James> a mark? I'll look closer
James> I'll touch that
mgrasso> James touches the mark, and sees it appears to be woven into the fabric.
mgrasso> Perception + Kenning, James, diff. 7
James> !dice 6 7
* DiceWell James rolls 6d10 at difficulty 7. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 9 9 10 10 4 1
mgrasso> James: a chimera has definitely been here recently.
James> (should I re roll my 10's?)
mgrasso> Oh, yes! Definitely12
mgrasso> Definitely!
James> !dice 2 7
* DiceWell James rolls 2d10 at difficulty 7. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 10 4
James> !dice 1 7
* DiceWell James rolls 1d10 at difficulty 7. S/He botches the roll.
* DiceWell 1
James> = P
mgrasso> The ones aren't botches. :)
James> =)
mgrasso> James starts thinking about the tapestry.
James> (think think think)
mgrasso> He believes there was a trod opened up back here. But damned if he knows how to re-open it.
Ingrid> Can I try an enigma roll for it?
Gemma> !dice 6 8
* DiceWell Gemma rolls 6d10 at difficulty 8. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 4 9 8 2 8 5
James> can I?
mgrasso> Sure! Int + Engima, diff. 8, both of you.
Ingrid> !dice 4 8
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 4d10 at difficulty 8. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 7 6 3 4
James> !dice 3 8
* DiceWell James rolls 3d10 at difficulty 8. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 8 6 1
mgrasso> Wow.
Ingrid> well damn.
mgrasso> *pop*
mgrasso> Gemma appears in the middle of the room. She appears to be clutching a leather satchel.
Jack> (zoiks)
Gemma> Oh, God, I won't do that again.
mgrasso> (heh)
James> /me runs up to her and grabs her shoulders
Ingrid> Geez, Gemma! Where were you?
James> then, composing himself says.
Gemma> I *thought* I was with the boy.
James> "you scare me- you know that don't you?"
Gemma> It turned out I was with this -- Ay, James, I'm sorry.
Gemma> I, um, say that to you a lot, don't I?
* Gemma remembers the bag
James> james kisses her cheek.
James> you were with this...?
Jack> Glad you're okay, Gemma.
mgrasso> Gemma looks down at the bag she's got.
* Ingrid whips around suddenly, spooked.
mgrasso> You all hear a mischievous giggling.
Ingrid> Did you guys hear that?
Jack> Yeah...
James> yeah...
Gemma> Yes...
mgrasso> Nothing has changed in the room.
Ingrid> no, before the giggling! There was a voice!
James> a voice?
Jack> Didn't hear that.
* Ingrid keeps turning and looking around the room.
Ingrid> It said I was next.
James> hold on- ingrid just calm down, lets do this in order- Gem, you were with this what?
Gemma> Next? For what?
Jack> It's okay, Ingrid.
James> james takes off his Jacket and tie and dumps them in the middle of the room, he then undoes the top button on his shirt
Gemma> This thing, I'll tell you later. Ingrid, what was the voice like?
Ingrid> It was all raspy. But tell about the thing! I want to hear!
Gemma> You're all insane. It was a horny giant little dancing guy with a flute.
Jack> ???
James> horny or horned?
Ingrid> Did he sound all seductive?
Ingrid> high voice?
Gemma> If you think smarmy is seductive, sure.
*** Odie has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Gemma smooths a hair back in place
mgrasso> (odie had to go, she said bye)
Ingrid> Well what happened?
Ingrid> Where were you?
Gemma> I don't know. The desert or an IHOP. I don't think it was our world.
Jack> !dice 3 9
* DiceWell Jack rolls 3d10 at difficulty 9. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 9 8 2
James> um- horny or horned?
Gemma> Horny. I didn't get a chance to see if he was, um, horned.
Jack> Huh...
James> james smirks
Jack> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Jack rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 8 5 10 5 4
Jack> Hey!
James> !dice 6 9
* DiceWell James rolls 6d10 at difficulty 9. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 9 3 8 7 1 3
Jack> The tapestry just moved.
mgrasso> You all turn to the tapestry. It's flat against the wall, just like you left it.
Jack> I swear I saw it blow out a little. Just now.
* Gemma takes a quick peek in the satchel she's holding
James> we believe you- stranger things have happened
James> what's in the bag Gem?
mgrasso> Gemma looks inside.
Ingrid> Um, you guys look if you want. I'm not going near that thing.
* Ingrid actually looks angry.
Gemma> Leaves and twigs.
Jack> What is it Ingrid? Do you know something?
Gemma> It's like one of Ingrid's trendy lunches in here.
mgrasso> (*snort*)
James> um- pardon my asking- but WHat the furk for?
James> lol
Gemma> Hey, Ingrid, you hungry?
* Gemma offers Ingrid the bag
James> ha!
* Ingrid levels a gaze at Gemma.
* Gemma smiles sweetly
* Jack rubs his eyes.
mgrasso> So folks, are we staying in the Pre-Columbian room, or moving on?
Jack> If we could TRY to stay focused you two...
Ingrid> Oh yeah, we have a kid to find.
James> I think we have better things to do than repremaind some sex starved tapestry
Jack> Let's move on.
James> The door frame said he was carried into the next room
Ingrid> Thank you, James.
Gemma> Good idea. To the next room, then.
James> by a large figure
Scene Four: Impressionists
mgrasso> As you walk towards the next room, James trips over a warp in the floorboards, and falls flat on his face.
* Gemma is instantly kneeling at his side
Gemma> Are you okay?
James> Murtherfurbingirbinsmirbin
James> yeah- only thing hurt is my pride
mgrasso> The next room, with the lights on, is very evidentally an Impressionist exhibit.
mgrasso> Mostly, there are American Impressionists in this room.
James> should we look for chimera?
mgrasso> There's another door, on the opposite wall. The room is longer than it is wide.
mgrasso> Sure! Everyone, Per + Kenning, diff. 6
* Ingrid looks around at the art, momentarily distracted.
Jack> !dice 3 6
* DiceWell Jack rolls 3d10 at difficulty 6. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 4 4 2
Jack> gah
James> !dice 6 6
Ingrid> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 10 7 10 10 3
* DiceWell James rolls 6d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 6 10 3 2 10 6
Gemma> !dice 6 6
* DiceWell Gemma rolls 6d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 3 3 4 10 10 3
James> !dice 2 6
* DiceWell James rolls 2d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 6 10
James> !dice 1 6
* DiceWell James rolls 1d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 9
* Jack gazes off into space...
mgrasso> Ingrid's been looking at the art. James has been looking clinically for chimera. They both converge on a lonely picture in the corner of the room.
James> pretty
mgrasso> It's of a girl sitting on a hill with a cloudy sky above her. There's something here, to be sure.
mgrasso> Her fuzzy little head actually perks up when James and Ingrid approach her.
Jack> Nice job, guys. This one might actually speak English...
mgrasso> "...el... oo... ry.... ?"
Gemma> Eloory?
Jack> Or not.
mgrasso> A faint faint faint whisper echoes from the painting, so soft you can't hear whole words.
* Ingrid leans over and says "Hello?"
James> I'll lean my ear as close as possible
mgrasso> You can see the figure hold her dotty little hands to her head.
mgrasso> "...ot... olow.....!"
mgrasso> James leans in close.
mgrasso> James whispers, "Hello there."
James> Shhh everyone!
mgrasso> Is everyone leaning in?
Gemma> I am
Ingrid> yes
mgrasso> "Hello, good sir!"
James> how are you today pretty little maiden?
mgrasso> "Your voices are so... loud to me!"
James> We're very sorry- yours is so quiet
mgrasso> You can see the figure's flesh-colored face blush rapidly at James' words.
mgrasso> "Oh, I'm sorry! Who are you? I can hear you, but I cannot see you."
mgrasso> "Your voices seem to echo from the sky around me."
James> We are an oath circle of fairies from "outside"
James> we're looking for a lost little boy
mgrasso> "Fairies!" She leaps up and down clapping her hands.
* Ingrid giggles silently at this.
mgrasso> "Oh, mother told me they were not real, but I knew she was wrong!" She starts searching the grass on the hill intently.
James> yes, a cat, and a clown, and a princes and a big blue knight
* Jack smiles despite himself.
mgrasso> "Where are you? I say, are you tiny?"
mgrasso> "I do so hope I am not trodding on you!"
James> actually, we are usually human sized, but right now compared to you, we are very very large
* Ingrid has to exert effort not to crack up laughing.
mgrasso> "Oh," the girl says.
mgrasso> "You are looking for a boy?"
mgrasso> "Napping here on the hill, I had a dream of a very scared, very sad boy."
James> yes, a little lost boy, his father is very worried
mgrasso> "He'd been snatched by a monster, and was crying."
* Jack stops smiling.
James> as I feared- what else can you tell us?
mgrasso> "'Twas just a dream, Mister Faerie. It cannot mean anything more than that, can it?"
* Ingrid whispers, "Fairy dreams always mean something."
mgrasso> "Perhaps I am but dreaming right now."
mgrasso> The girl holds her hands to her chest and says, "They do?"
James> I assure you, ,y dear, this is all very reall, and the poor little boy could be in danger- very reall danger- and if you could help us to save him
* Ingrid smiles gently and says. "Oh yes. Remember that."
mgrasso> "All I remember is that the monster ran through a forest, and all the trees wilted in his path."
mgrasso> "That's all. I'm sorry."
James> thank you, because of you we may be able to save this boy- sweet dreamings.
James> James looks up
* Jack whispers, "Don't be sorry, fair maid. You are most brave and helpful to our cause."
* Ingrid thanks her, infusing her with glamour.
James> lets move.
mgrasso> Ingrid drops a point of Glamour in the painting.
Jack> Right, James.
Scene Five: Renaissance
mgrasso> The next chamber is medieval art and artifacts.
Ingrid> She said forest...should we be looking for trees?
* Jack looks a bit more at home in this room...
mgrasso> There are several suits of armor in this room, and quite a few medieval and Renaissance paintings.
James> maybe- but it might be figurative
Jack> Could the "wilting trees" have something to do with stolen Glamour?
Ingrid> hm. I suppose they would be wilted too. Figuratively.
mgrasso> The room is dominated by a large series of painted panels, They feature the life and suffering of Jesus. This is not the actual piece, but it's by the same artist, so you can get the sense of his style.
mgrasso> That's Rodrigo Gallego, by the way. These paintings were taken from a church in Spain.
Jack> (a cheery Easter theme)
mgrasso> There ya go!
mgrasso> The ones you see here in the gallery feature Christ's passion.
Jack> brb
mgrasso> There's a door leading out under the huge panels.
mgrasso> You can hear Gemma whisper "Jesus Bendito?"
James> spanish with pictures? and to think- I studied binary instead of a language
mgrasso> Gemma is staring intently at the panels, specifically, the one of the crucifixion.
*** Jack has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
*** sewood ( has joined #Changeling-Tucson
mgrasso> Sorry Sam.
sewood> 's okay. Did I get bumped or something?
mgrasso> Think so.
*** sewood is now known as Jack
mgrasso> Did you get all the stuff with the paintings?
Jack> I think so. The URLs?
mgrasso> Of course you did. I have your response.
Jack> Yeah.
mgrasso> Anyone doing anything in here?
mgrasso> Gemma is talking to herself.
Ingrid> Scan?
Jack> Y'know, I think I'll scan too...
mgrasso> "I was confused, Lord. Please forgive me." She clasps her hands together.
mgrasso> Per + Scan, diff. 6
Ingrid> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Ingrid rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 5 successes.
* DiceWell 8 10 9 7 6
mgrasso> Holy crap.
Ingrid> whoa.
Ingrid> I guess it was saving itself up.
Jack> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Jack rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 6 7 9 6 4
*** mgrasso sets mode: +o Jack
Jack> Ugh.
Jack> Do any of you... smell something?
* Ingrid coughs.
Gemma> !dice 2 8
* DiceWell Gemma rolls 2d10 at difficulty 8. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 1 10
Ingrid> What is that?
mgrasso> Gemma begins just bawling.
Jack> I don't know. It's foul.
Jack> Gemma?
James> James is at her side
Ingrid> It's coming from the next room.
James> he puts his hand on her shoulder
Jack> I think you're right.
* Ingrid turs to James and Gemma.
Ingrid> You guys all right? I think we need to look in th next room.
mgrasso> Gemma's eyes are locked on Christ on the wall.
James> Gem... (he lifts her face) you okay?
* Jack is edgin towards the doorway to the next room.
Jack> (edging)
mgrasso> Jack goes towards the next room.
mgrasso> Gemma says, "A boy, Lord, I'm looking for a lost boy. He is with evil."
mgrasso> Ingrid? Next room?
James> Ingrid- go with Jack, don't let him go alone.
* Ingrid decides Gemma has Jesus ion hand and follows Jack.
Ingrid> (in. damn keys)
mgrasso> Gemma: "How can we help them, Lord?"
mgrasso> Ingrid, Jack, join #room
Jack> join #room
mgrasso> Gemma: "Do they have the child?"
James> James pusts his hands together and bows his head (tis better to humor)
James> he steals side long glances at gemma
*** Jack is now known as Rolando
*** Rolando is now known as Rolando
mgrasso> You see tears rolling down Gemma's cheeks.
*** Ingrid is now known as Artemisia
*** Artemisia is now known as Artemisia
mgrasso> Gemma: "Will finding the child lead us to them?"
James> can I make an empathy roll to see if she need to be comforted or left alone or what?
mgrasso> Sure! Per + Emp, diff. 6.
James> !dice 6 6
* DiceWell James rolls 6d10 at difficulty 6. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 1 1 5 8 6 4
James> = P
mgrasso> James wants to stay here with her.
mgrasso> Gemma: "I-I don't know, Lord. I'm so confused."
mgrasso> Gemma: "Even yours?"
mgrasso> Gemma: "I know, Jesus, thank you, Jesus."
mgrasso> Gemma: "I..."
mgrasso> Gemma just stands there, shaken.
James> are you all right gemma?
* Gemma shakes her head
James> (shakes her head yes or no?)
Gemma> (oops, no, sorry)
James> James offers her his arms if she wants to take them (hug style)
* Gemma can't seem to move beyond waving her hand in a vague sort of, "come here" motion at James
James> already standing pretty close, he moves closer and looks at here with sad eyes- pulling her close to him he says "what's wrong, what happened?" as gently as he can muster
James> (her, not here)
mgrasso> You both hear a "thwipthwipthwip" sound from the next room.
Gemma> Either I need to return to the sisters, or this world is a greater mindfuck than I can handle.
* Gemma glances to where the sound came from
mgrasso> The next gallery. Ingrid and Gemma are in there.
James> mindfuck sweetie, mindfuck- pookas arn't made to be nuns. If you need to talk about it later... for now, lets go see what the furk that is
James> JAck mike, Jack
mgrasso> Jack, right. Sorry.
mgrasso> You guys want to go into the room?
James> I think we better
* Gemma takes a few deep, cleansing breathes
Gemma> Yeah, you're right.
mgrasso> join #room
Scene Six: Mummy
mgrasso> In the next room, you see Egyptian artifacts.
mgrasso> Also, in the corner, you see an open sarcophagus.
mgrasso> Shambling out of the sarcoophagus is a 7-foot-tall, green-bandaged, powerful-looking mummy.
*** Jack is now known as Rolando
*** Rolando is now known as Rolando
mgrasso> Heh, awesome. :)
*** Ingrid is now known as Artemisia
*** Artemisia is now known as Artemisia
mgrasso> It's coming towards you two Seelie do-gooders. :)
Rolando> Keep back milady, I'll handle this!
Rolando> (I'm in stereo?)
Artemisia> Please do be careful!
mgrasso> Ignore it. It's a weird server thing.
Artemisia> (I am too)
mgrasso> Sorry.
mgrasso> wits + alertness, diff. 4, all.
* Rolando draws on the bandaged baddie.
Rolando> !dice 4 4
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 4d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 4 8 6 6
Artemisia> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 6 1 4 6 4
mgrasso> Artemisia? What will you do?
Artemisia> dodge!
mgrasso> All right :)
mgrasso> Rolando?
mgrasso> The mummy's coming for both of you.
Rolando> I'm going to slash at him w/ my greatsword.
mgrasso> Go for it. One attack, or split the die pool?
mgrasso> (He's definitely a chimera, btw)
Rolando> One, I think.
mgrasso> Go for it.
mgrasso> Dex + Melee
Rolando> Diff?
mgrasso> Sorry! Should be on your sheet.
mgrasso> 6
Rolando> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 5 8 10 6 1
Rolando> right. sorry
mgrasso> That's a hit! Damage, diff. 6, str + 1 +6
Rolando> !dice 11 6
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 11d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 7 successes.
* DiceWell 10 8 10 6 2 8 5 6 8 5 4
mgrasso> Ouchie!
Rolando> Aha! Varlet...
mgrasso> You take a chunk out of the mummy, green moldy bandages fly everywhere.
mgrasso> It attacks you.
mgrasso> It hits.
mgrasso> Soak roll, Stamina, diff. 6
Rolando> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 8 1 7 7 10
mgrasso> You and your armor soak the hit just fine.
mgrasso> Ingrid jumps up and down, dodging. :)
mgrasso> Ingrid, Per + Scan, diff. 9.
Artemisia> (gracefully, of course. :D)
mgrasso> of course. :)
Artemisia> !dice 5 9
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 9. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 9 3 6 6 6
mgrasso> OK. Next round, wits + alert, diff. 4
Artemisia> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 3 2 6 6 5
Rolando> !dice 4 4
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 4d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 4 3 9 3
mgrasso> Rolando?
Rolando> I'll take another swing at the mummy.
mgrasso> Excellent. Art?
Artemisia> And I will gracefully dodge.
mgrasso> Heh, excellent.
mgrasso> Rolando: the mummy shoots a heinously long set of strands of bandages out of its fingers, which wrap around you and stick to you fast.
mgrasso> (picture wuxia movie style :) )
Rolando> ("Swordsman" movies)
mgrasso> You can hear them go "thwipthwipthwip" as they wrap around Rolando, Artemisia. :)
Artemisia> Uh-oh.
mgrasso> Artemisia dodges.
mgrasso> The mummy, now with Rolando firmly in its grasp, advances on Artemisia.
mgrasso> It's next round, Wits + Alertness, everyone?
mgrasso> diff. 4
Rolando> !dice 4 4
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 4d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 3 1 5 10
Artemisia> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 1 5 8 9 2
mgrasso> Rolando? You can try to break free this round.
Rolando> I will try.
mgrasso> That's about all. :)
mgrasso> Artemisia?
Artemisia> I'm not coming up with much more than dodging.
mgrasso> Fair enough. You'll need it this round. Dodge for me, Dex + Dodge, diff. 6
Artemisia> can I use WP?
mgrasso> Sure. You can announce it at any time. :)
Artemisia> !dice 2 6
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 2d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 6 8
mgrasso> Go for it.
Artemisia> ah!
mgrasso> Wanna use it still?
Artemisia> if I can say no now, then no. :)
*** Gemma ( has joined #room
mgrasso> All right.
*** James ( has joined #room
mgrasso> As Gemma and James walk in, they see a green-bandaged mummy, with a 10 foot long set of bandage strands wrapped around Rolando, and they just arrive in time to see Artemisia get hit by the mummy's powerful hand.
mgrasso> Sorry, Art, you got hit, WP or no.
Artemisia> ouch.
mgrasso> Make a soak roll. Stamina, diff. 6.
*** James is now known as Aranth
*** Aranth is now known as Aranth
Artemisia> !dice 2 6
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 2d10 at difficulty 6. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 1 8
Artemisia> argh
*** Gemma is now known as Solangia
*** Solangia is now known as Solangia
mgrasso> Artemisia takes 3 levels of chimerical damage.
Artemisia> ow.
mgrasso> Rolando, Str check, diff. 7 to break free.
Rolando> !dice 5 7
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 5d10 at difficulty 7. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 8 6 4 3 9
mgrasso> Rolando breaks free of the mummy's sticky bandage-tendrils.
mgrasso> OK, everyone, Wits + Alertness, diff. 4.
Rolando> Milady! It's on your face!!!
Rolando> !dice 4 4
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 4d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 8 1 2 7
Solangia> !dice 3 4
* DiceWell Solangia rolls 3d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 3 5 4
Artemisia> !dice 5 10
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 10. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 2 6 9 5 5
mgrasso> Aranth and Art, i need wits + alertness.
Aranth> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 5 successes.
* DiceWell 7 8 10 8 7
mgrasso> wow.
Aranth> (sorry)
Artemisia> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 3 4 6 7 3
mgrasso> Ok, Rol, declare.
Rolando> I'm gonna try and put this SOB down...
mgrasso> Solangia next.
mgrasso> By the way, this is an Egyptian gallery, fittingly enough.
mgrasso> Solangia?
Solangia> Umm... cats are sacred to Egyptians, so I'll turn into a kitty and see if that makes him properly.. i don't know. Obedient? At least calm enough for smeone to smack?
Solangia> getting things twice, hold on.
*** Solangia has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** Solangia ( has joined #room
mgrasso> You'll have to run back into the room and change without anyone seeing you, so I'll say that takes a round. And a point of Glamour, you got that?
Solangia> yup
Artemisia> (we all are, Erica)
mgrasso> Excellent.
mgrasso> Artemisia, you're next. You feel something on your face.
Artemisia> Well, it would probably be a good thing to get it off my face.
mgrasso> All right. Aranth?
Aranth> I'm gonna shoot the furking bastard with my crossbow.
mgrasso> This mummy is chimerical, btw.
mgrasso> Shoot him, Aranth. Dex + Firearms, diff. whatever the crossbow is.
Aranth> (7)
mgrasso> go for it :)
Aranth> !dice 8 7
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 8d10 at difficulty 7. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 8 10 6 10 8 1 9 6
mgrasso> Not bad.
mgrasso> Damage whatever. Diff. 6. :)
Aranth> damage is...?
mgrasso> 5.
mgrasso> Write it down. :)
mgrasso> My GM screen is missing. :)
Aranth> k. =)
Aranth> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 5 7 7 9 8
mgrasso> Twang!
Aranth> rock.
mgrasso> The chimerical quarrel shoots right to the heart of the bandaged horror.
mgrasso> Solangia scoots off to the other room.
mgrasso> Rolando, this mummy wants you. Simultaneous attacks.
Aranth> >^..^<
mgrasso> Go for it, Rol.
Rolando> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 4 4 9 6 6
mgrasso> All right, damage.
Rolando> !dice 11 6
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 11d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 10 3 4 9 4 7 1 8 4 1 6
mgrasso> All right. Your sword slice doesn't do much to hurt it. You need to soak, Rol, Stamina, diff. 6.
Rolando> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 7 4 2 5 10
mgrasso> Soaked fine.
mgrasso> Next round! Wits + Alertnes diff 4 all.
* Artemisia is staring at her fingertips in horror
Rolando> !dice 4 4
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 4d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 7 1 7 7
Aranth> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 4 successes.
* DiceWell 5 3 6 9 8
Artemisia> !dice 5 4
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 5 successes.
* DiceWell 10 6 4 6 5
mgrasso> Solangia, you too.
Solangia> !dice 3 4
* DiceWell Solangia rolls 3d10 at difficulty 4. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 10 6 3
mgrasso> Rol and Sol? :)
Rolando> Hack.
mgrasso> Solangia, what are you going to do when you enter the Egypt chamber? :)
Solangia> Can I talk as a cat?
mgrasso> To chimera you can. :)
mgrasso> Not to real people, though, for future reference. :)
Solangia> Then with all the kitty dignity I can muster, I'm going to try to order the chimera mummy to stand down.
mgrasso> *smirk*
mgrasso> Aranth? Art?
Aranth> "I'm gonna shoot the furking bastard with my crossbow."
mgrasso> The mummy's attacking Rol again.
Artemisia> I'm going to be in shock over this weird fungus thing.
mgrasso> All right, fair enough.
mgrasso> Aranth? Go for it.
Aranth> !dice 8 7
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 8d10 at difficulty 7. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 6 5 6 4 8 8 6 9
mgrasso> Artemisia, gimme a Perception + scan, diff. 8
Aranth> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 3 successes.
* DiceWell 6 7 6 3 2
Artemisia> !dice 5 8
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 5d10 at difficulty 8. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 4 7 10 6 3
mgrasso> Twang! Another palpable hit!
mgrasso> All right, Solangia, gimme a Manipulation + Subterfuge, diff. 6.
Aranth> (go me!=)
Solangia> !dice 6 6
* DiceWell Solangia rolls 6d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 5 successes.
* DiceWell 7 6 3 7 10 8
mgrasso> Holy crapold.
mgrasso> Wow.
Solangia> (whoo! go me too!)
mgrasso> "In the name of the goddess Bast, I command you, stand down!"
mgrasso> :)
mgrasso> The mummy just stops moving.
Aranth> >^..^< ::stern mew::
mgrasso> Rolando? Are you standing down as well?
Rolando> Wow.
Rolando> Yeah, I guess so...
mgrasso> (By the way, Mellie, describe Solangia's kitty form)
mgrasso> Aranth and Artemisia are confabbing, and Artemisia is pointing weakly at the sarcophagus.
mgrasso> Her face is completely covered in green slime.
* Solangia the kitty is a plump mix-breed of persian and manx cats. She has the long, silky fur of the persian breed, the short puffy tail of the manx. She also has the manx's round, rabbit-like body, black fur, and green eyes
mgrasso> Hee. Cool. :)
mgrasso> Aranth walks over to the sarcophagus.
Rolando> (Guys, I probably should bail in about 5--dinner is imminent)
mgrasso> Inside is the young boy.
mgrasso> (Sam, great, we're almost done.)
Solangia> (yeah, I need to forage myself)
Aranth> *ghasp!*
Rolando> (Cool,)
mgrasso> He's holding the missing painting, "Mummy."
Rolando> Then this mummy was the monster...oh.
mgrasso> "Don't hurt me!" he screams. The mummy starts moving again.
* Aranth holds out his hand as non-threateningly as possible... We won't hurt you
Rolando> It's okay, son! We're not going to hurt you.
mgrasso> Rolando, Aranth, Charisma + Empathy, diff. 6
Aranth> Can I make an empathy roll to see what he's scared of (us the mummy etc)
mgrasso> There you go.
Rolando> !dice 3 6
* DiceWell Rolando rolls 3d10 at difficulty 6. S/He gets 1 success.
* DiceWell 7 5 4
Aranth> !dice 5 6
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 5d10 at difficulty 6. S/He fails the roll!
* DiceWell 4 1 4 5 10
mgrasso> Rolando manages to keep him talking.
Artemisia> Can I?
mgrasso> Artemisia: your Apperance right now is zero.
Rolando> We just want to make sure you're okay.
mgrasso> Try Cha + Empathy, diff. 8.
Solangia> Is there anything I can do?
Artemisia> !dice 6 8
* DiceWell Artemisia rolls 6d10 at difficulty 8. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 3 7 7 9 7 8
mgrasso> As a cat? Not much. He can't hear you talk.
mgrasso> Artemisia's face frightens the boy, but he looks at her and says, "Did the mummy do that to you?"
Aranth> since the boy outright rejected me, I'll go scritch Gems chin
* Artemisia nods, afraid to talk.
* Solangia purrs at Aranth
mgrasso> The boy closes his eyes, and the mummy disappears. So does Artemisia's fungus. :)
Aranth> pretty kitty
* Artemisia 's hands go to her face.
mgrasso> The boy quickly takes to you, and says he was afraid of the people who were always hanging around his dad; the red headed girl and the ponytail man... and the third man. Merlin,.
Artemisia> Oh, thank you!
* Solangia nuzzles Aranth's hand
mgrasso> "Merlin. He was a scary old man with long white hair."
Artemisia> Merlin?
mgrasso> "He'd come around our house while Daddy was working."
mgrasso> "With the other two people. They spent all their time with Daddy."
mgrasso> "I think they did something to him!"
Artemisia> to Merlin?
Rolando> Don't worry. We're going to get to the bottom of this.
mgrasso> "To my dad!"
Artemisia> Oh!
Aranth> want to go out latter kitty?
mgrasso> I think we can stop here. :)
Artemisia> What's your name?
mgrasso> "Peter."
Solangia> Mrrrrrrrowl!
mgrasso> "Is my dad okay? I ran away I was so scared."
Rolando> Okay, thanks. I really gotta go. Talk to you guys soon!
Artemisia> Well Peter, don't worry. We'll figure out who hurt your dad.
* Solangia puts her paw on Aranth's hand and tries to bite his thumb
mgrasso> Aranth, do that last roll.
Aranth> !dice 6 10
* DiceWell Aranth rolls 6d10 at difficulty 10. S/He gets 2 successes.
* DiceWell 8 10 9 6 10 5
mgrasso> Shit!
mgrasso> Good rolls tonight, folks.
mgrasso> I liked the Egypt/cat idea, Mellie.
Solangia> Childhood obsession comes in handy. For once. :D
mgrasso> Next time, we can talk about how to find these people who hurt Peter's dad.
mgrasso> Sorry about the mummy rot, Julia. :)
Artemisia> That was cool. :)
Aranth> i knew there was somthing fishy with those fey
Artemisia> And that was not! :D
Aranth> atleast it wasn't maggots
* mgrasso grins
Artemisia> good point.
* Artemisia shudders.
mgrasso> Everyone did great tonight.
mgrasso> Sorry if it was a little frustrating at the beginning, though.
Artemisia> Inclusing you!
Artemisia> d!
DiceWell> ! is not a valid number Artemisia.
* Solangia glares at dicey
Aranth> lol!
mgrasso> DiceWell is such a bitch.
Artemisia> One of those cat glares that scare the hell out of you if you catch them doing it.
mgrasso> *snort*
Aranth> >^..^<
Aranth> hehehe, cat.
Solangia> Hey, Art should be glad the game ended before Sol had a good shot at her panty hose. ;)
mgrasso> Well, she's sstill going to be a cat when we get back next week. :)
Solangia> Ooh!
Julia> Oh great. :D
* Solangia eyes Artemisia's clothes and licks her kitty jowels
mgrasso> lol
Mandy> ha
*** Julia is now known as Artemisia
*** Artemisia is now known as Artemisia
*** Solangia is now known as Erica
*** Solangia is now known as Erica
Artemisia> not my Victoria's Secret stockings, you miserable fur ball.
mgrasso> She'll hit you with a rolled-up newspaper, better watch out.
*** Artemisia is now known as Julia
*** Julia is now known as Julia
Erica> Surely not cute little Sol-cat!
Julia> I don't think Ingrid's too wild about animals.
mgrasso> Wow, guys, I gotta get some sleep!
Erica> With her little round rabbit butt. Aww.. how can you swat a cat like that, hmmm?