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Just who is the enigma known only as Pony Johnson? Will the world ever be able to crack such a sultry and sordid cover-up? Let's watch! *** Pony (Pony@lab06.burlco.lib.nj.us) has joined #MST-HomeGame ![]() Pony> hi ppl Ironf> yes good hello *** THX-1138 (RodVailwood@iras-1-88.ucdavis.edu) has joined #mst-homegame THX-1138> Pony Johnson! Pony> i gotta go ppl bye *** Pony has quit IRC ((signed off)) *** Pony (Pony@lab06.burlco.lib.nj.us) has joined #MST-HomeGame Ironf> umm, yeah? Pony> what whos Pony Johnson? Pony> who said Pony Johnson? Ironf> You have twice Pony> other than me THX-1138> You're Pony Johnson! Ironf> that other guy Pony> no im not Pony> i hate it when ppl tease me THX-1138> You don't have to do that "it's not me" act again. THX-1138> Yeah, yeah, we fell for it last time, Pony. Pony> your sooo not funny Pony> i dont know who your talking about THX-1138> good one Mr. Johnson. Pony> this is sooooo not funny THX-1138> So, you see Mr. Lewis? Pony> i dont know who u r talking about Ironf> I'd think that if you weren't Pony Johnson, you would have left now and kept defending yourself THX-1138> Pony! Quit playing like that. Ironf> I do think that the Johnson doth protest too much. *** krankor (poppo@armory-us1007.javanet.com) has joined #MST-Homegame Pony> for your info im 14 and female and i have friends to prove it Plumm> Pony Johnson! THX-1138> Why do you always have to do that "I'm not Pony Johnson" act? Ironf> welcome Krankor, how may we help you? Pony> im not Pony Johnson and i wish to fight for my name thats y im defending it krankor> um... THX-1138> You want to talk about not funny, look at that "I'm not Pony Johnson" act. Pony> its not an act THX-1138> You keep doing it to death. Ironf> sure it's not THX-1138> Pony, you told us last time it was ana act. Ironf> Krankor, you know that it's Pony Johnson, don't you Pony> im not Pony Johnson i m a 14 almost 15 year old female from new jersey THX-1138> That you like to say you're not Pony johnson so the cops don't get you. Ironf> JeffIrok, can we be of service somehow? krankor> no comment Pony> krankor dont believe them THX-1138> Pony Johnson's always playing games. Never serious. Pony> i wish to keep my name clear that is why i fight for it THX-1138> I bet that's why those detectives are after you. krankor> Who's Pony Johnson? THX-1138> Yes, well admit your Pony Johnson (again) and we'll just get on with it. THX-1138> Pony is Pony johnson Pony> NO IM NOT Ironf> Jeff, plumm is the one that organized the write in last time. He, and HG Industries plan to start up the protest again soon Ironf> durn Plumm> THX, is there a new episode of Pony Johnson On The Streets tonight? ![]() Pony> that sounds like a good show i awta go on it and prove im a girl Pony> i came to help out with the mst3k thing and i get this THX-1138> No, it's been pre-empted. krankor> i'm so confused THX-1138> Hey, we welcome your help saving MST Pony> so dont bug me about that junk Ironf> As I said, the actual movememt hasn't started yet, except by a few people that are more than a bit premature Pony> i just wanna help THX-1138> We just ask that you stop playing these "I'm not Pony" games so we can get to business. Pony> well its true im not Pony Johnson THX-1138> Well, if you sign up for the Save MST Survival Guide, you get a form letter that you only need to sign and send in, a bumper sticker, and an arm band. THX-1138> See, there you go again, with the games. Pony> how can i sign up? THX-1138> First, we need your real name. Pony> y? THX-1138> Well, how can we send you the kit if we don't have the necessary information? Pony> its Diane THX-1138> Oh, see. Now you're really playing games. Pony> this is sooo not right Pony> i wish to help and i get trash talked THX-1138> Hey, we want you to help. THX-1138> But you need to be honest with us, Pony Johnson. Pony> i wish to extend a helping hand and i get this THX-1138> We know it's you, and we know about your games. THX-1138> Just admit it, and we'll move on with the business at hand. Pony> there r no "games" Pony> its the truth Pony> i will not admit to a lie Ironf> I don't know why you must continue to play your little game Mister Johnson THX-1138> From last time you came in here - PonyJohnson is Pony@lab06.burlco.lib.nj.us * Kromagg Assasin Pony> ha Pony> got ya THX-1138> Okay, now will you admit it? Pony> how long ago was this Pony> ? THX-1138> A few hours ago. Pony> i wasnt even here a few hours ago i have logging in records to prove THX-1138> Sure you do. And your name isn't Pony Johnson. Pony> thanx for agreeing with me Ironf> Yeah, but Pony Johnson always forged his logs too THX-1138> See, you're Pony Johnson. Admit it and we can get to the important business of saving MST. THX-1138> You're holding us back with these games. Pony> there is a two hour time limit here so how could it be a few hours ago when i was eating a hosgie less then an hour ago Pony> hoagie Ironf> you probably work for scifi, don't you mister Johnson? Pony> nope Pony> i dont have a job until this summer at a day camp THX-1138> Well, you were on here strutting around as Pony Johnson. Pony> and im not mister johnson THX-1138> you played these games then, and now you're playing them now. ![]() Pony> i havent been here long krankor> so long THX-1138> So now you're saying some other Pony signed on a few hours ago? Riiiiight. *** krankor has quit IRC ((signed off)) Pony> maybe i wouldnt know Ironf> That's awfully coincidental Pony> im goin somewhere else to get my info Pony> u ppl r just too rude *** Pony has quit IRC ((signed off)) Ironf> cough cough ray-tard cough cough THX-1138> I mean how many Pony's come here on line to begin with? Then within a few hours? Then to have the twoPonys play the same "I'm not Pony Johnson" game. Ironf> Who is Pony Johnson anyway? THX-1138> Some case from Homicide. I knew some people that played in the Pony league of baseball. |