From the January 1996 Viewers for Quality Television newsletter...
Fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 have asked VQT to notify paticipants
that there is a grass-roots campaign in progress to try to convince the
Comedy Central cable network to order further episodes. Fans say that
Comedy Central and the independent company that produces the series do not
agree on what the show should be. By not ordering more episodes, Comedy
Central has the production company locked into an exclusionary contract
until January, 1997. Fans want the production company to be able to remain
in business long enough to legally shop for a net [sic] network. If you a
"MYSTie" and want to help, write to Comedy Central's president Doug Herzog
at Comedy Central, 1775 Broadway, New York, NY 10019, Fax 212/767-8590.
MST in the Media