On Nov. 18, 1999, The Moron Shrine received a shining example of what I like to call "delusional moronism". It's when the subject expresses a concept so alien to both common sense and reason that the mind literally rebels at it, and labels the utterer a moron, despite reasonable sentence structure, grammar, spelling, expression, etcetera.

"Some Dude" is that shining example. Some Dude reported on the Paul Verhoeven film "The Hollow Man", currently in production, for Harry Knowles' "Ain't It Cool News". In his report, he expressed the following sentiment regarding the Verhoeven oeuvre. Sit down, because this will rock your ontological foundations to the friggin' core.

"I'm a filmmaker and screenwriter. Using my nebulous connections to Hollywood's underworld I have come across some information regarding Paul Verhoeven's latest sci-fi bonanza, The Hollow Man. This should be interesting to all fans of the geek spectrum because Verhoeven has been responsible for some of the best sci-fi of the last two decades. Even his Dutch stuff is amazing (The Fourth Man, Spetters, et al). Let's not forget Basic Instinct or even Showgirls, which was a scathing attack on America's obsession with stardom that was sabotaged by a misleading advertising campaign. Watch Showgirls again, preferrably with Starship Troopers, to see how the film works as a parody of Hollywood product. Anyway, enough of my boosterism of Verhoeven (even though he is better than Spielberg) and on to the news.

Feel free to take a few minutes to recover. I'll understand. Maybe try a cold compress, or one of those freaky Migraine Ice things. And take comfort in the fact that, so far, this is the first ever sighting of an actual Showgirls apologist. Let's hope it's not contagious.