EDITORIAL: Fun, Fun, Fun (5/8/98)

First, my apologies to devoted NewsBreak junkies for missing Wednesday and Thursday. Blame a freakish combination of "life issues" and minor illness.

So, what's cranking me off this week? First and foremost is Microsoft's desperate attempt to convince everyone that the world will go down in flames if Windows 98 is delayed by antitrust lawsuits or court actions.

Please. Remember when Windows 98 was thought to be Windows 97? If the year-long delay up until now didn't destroy the US economy, then a couple of months while the government tries to prove a bit of common knowledge, that Microsoft just isn't that big on competition, isn't going to create Hell On Earth (tm).

Second, and this is more of a personal thing, but why the heck can't car insurance work more like health insurance? I've given Allstate thousands upon thousands of dollars since I turned 16, and all I've ever gotten out of them was 75% of the cost of having my door replaced when a bus hit it while it was parked. Yet, when my transmission dies, where are they? Nowhere. Of course, insurance companies are also inherently and fundamentally evil, another bit of common knowledge, so what are you going to do?

On the entertainment front, for some reason, the loss of five beach bimbos from the cast of "Baywatch" is actually causing a stir. I mean, the only reasons the show still exists are, first, being exported to foreign markets where silicone is less common, and second, keeping David Hasslehoff in the black so that he can continue to travel to Germany and buy up all the copies of his albums there.

Eventually, there will come a time when every actress in Hollywood will have been on Baywatch at least once. For those of you counting along at home, that'll be the opening of Seal 6.