Directed by Arthur ("Horrors
Of The Black Museum") Crabtree and Marshall (uncredited)
Written by Herbert ("The Frozen Dead") Leder
Produced by John ("First Man Into Space") Croydon and
Richard ("The Projected Man") Gordon
Produced under the auspices of the National Film Board Of Canada
in 1957, this piece was intended as a cautionary tale, stressing
the need for proper brain hygiene. It was made at a time when
an overbearing neighbor to the south was carelessly beaming black
and white television signals into the Commonwealth nation, prompting
concern among officials about cultural contamination from such
unhealthy media icons as the Honeymooners and Howdy-Doody. The
film was preceded by an educational short (paid for by the Molson
Company) which advised Canadians to wash their brains daily with
The setting is a quaint Canadian village whose principal industry is accents. Unwanted electro-magnetic waves eminating from a nearby U.S. Air Force base have depressed local milk production, particularly among the farm animals. A suitably thick and ripened Air Force security officer (Marshall Thompson) tries to allay the fears of the residents as several citizens turn up with their brains sucked dry. He barely manages to trace the deaths to a doddering old professor (Kynaston Reeves) who pirated the Air Force radar signals in order to create an invisible friend for myself. Hoping to conjure up a six foot rabbit, the professor falls short of the mark and unleashes a horde of stealthy brain predators. It all comes to a head at the prof's home, inside his combination living room and tool shed, where the surviving humans try to hold out against flying Claymation effects. No one important dies and no one worthwile survives.
All the same, Canadian viewers are reminded to floss their brains at least twice a week.
The Critics Rave...
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WryGrin> "Effects
filled" oh, I don't think so.
BEMaven> filled as in dunnage, i suppose.
Bice> Fiend Without a Face. That was a Billy Idol song, wasn't
THX-1138> Oh, this takes place in Canada. Who cares then?
WryGrin> "In Electrovision"
DetJohnMunch> Lala Lloyd, Va va voom.
BEMaven> what was that thumping? did the invisible monster
bring a rythm box?
Trademark> Here, have some of this absinthe.
BEMaven> "if he was killed.."
WryGrin> 'Well, he may just be very sleepy.'
BEMaven> natural causes? sure, he sneezed his brains out thru
his left nostril.
Bice> I'm always suspicious of people who wear their watches
upside down.
WryGrin> Atomic Radar?
Bice> Col. Buttlift?
WryGrin> Col Buttlove & Major Cummings?
BEMaven> no autopsy. turns out Farmer McCraken was a zen Buddhist.
Bice> 'Black Dog, this is Led
Trademark> 'Turn on the Pong game, over.'
WryGrin> 'The Armed Forces: Beaming signals into your brain
for 20 years.'
DetJohnMunch> 'Now we will finally see why socks don't always
come out in pairs.'
BEMaven> Test Baker: they're going to drop the Pillsbury Doughboy.
WryGrin> Army couldn't spring for a couple florescent lights?
Bice> That light show would go good with some Floyd and some
THX-1138> All this scanning is taking out satellites for cell
phones everywhere.
THX-1138> 'I canna increase the range, Cap'n!'
BEMaven> 'we've got to lick this power fade. failing that,
we have to lick something.'
WryGrin> Wow, leather jumpsuits. Scientific.
Bice> He ran out of clean clothes, so he wore a garbage bag
to work today.
Trademark> Nice. I could use a Generic Meter. To measure the
danger level of... something.
Bice> 'This is Red Dog. We taste horrible but we'll get you
drunk. Over.'
WryGrin> 'It's huge, and it's
got a straw!'
Bice> Mrs Bice sez: Oh no, a deadly carpet muncher!
THX-1138> What is that noise? Is it eating Rice Krispies?
Trademark> Whoa, apparently getting attacked by the fiend makes
women scream like chimpanzees in a turf war.
BEMaven> 'ok, who kicked over the light during my autopsy?'
Bice> "Promise them anything, but get ahold of those bodies."
Sounds like most single guy's Saturday night strategies in bars.
BEMaven> "the brain is gone."
THX-1138> My god, it's the magic bullet that killed Kennedy!
Bice> I'm a doctor dammit, not an actor.
Trademark> Pete Postelthwaite as General Lip-Reader.
BEMaven> 'and Doctor, stop wearing your coat backwards.'
WryGrin> When do they introduce the 'top scientist' woman with
the androgyonous name?
Bice> Given the music, I'd say right now.
DetJohnMunch> i like her aquarium.
WryGrin> Just walk right into the bathroom.
Plumm> Nice Auschwitz brand
DetJohnMunch> what's with the sitcom music?
* BEMaven averts his eyes in shame.
WryGrin> 'Nice equipment.'
BEMaven> Major: 'i always barge into houses at the sound of
a shower. it's my Marine training.'
Plumm> Duel of the man-girdles!
WryGrin> Rock'em Sock'em Idiots.
THX-1138> You can tell, he's a MAVERICK!
Trademark> 'Come back tomorrow and meet your damage quota again.'
DetJohnMunch> he officially left.
Plumm> Contrails! Call Art Bell.
Bice> Fiend with a Backbeat.
WryGrin> Ooooh, the mayor's gonna get his brain sucked out
threw a straw.
Trademark> Heh. This has all the menace of a junior-high haunted
BEMaven> in addition to being invisible, the monster is a klutz.
WryGrin> The monster kicked the bucket. The End.
THX-1138> Always put a lid on your big bucket of chocolate
Trademark> Some fiend. Has to stop the film between each movement
in his vandalism.
Bice> He's got rubber-wood floors.
WryGrin> The dead guy blinked!
DetJohnMunch> he didn't only blink, he changed his face like
5 times.
Plumm> Floyd the Barber joined the frennch Foreign Legion and
is now in joint screaming exercises with the USAF townfolk.
Bice> What the HELL is with these accents?
WryGrin> This guy plays dueling accents with himself.
Plumm> Hurry up fellas, Serling needs the backlot in ten minutes.
WryGrin> 'Remember, you can't shoot well unless you're liquored
up, so don't go easy on the booze.'
BEMaven> also, by not showing the monster, this movie compels
us to use our imagination to picture it.
Bice> And saves a few bucks on rubber monster suits.
Trademark> This is a corollary to Corman's rule. Don't show
the monster for the first 90 minutes.
BEMaven> exactly. i envision the monster as being a guy in
a rubber suit.
Bice> TM - in a 75 minute movie?
Trademark> Yep.
BEMaven> whiskey. great for a stroke patient.
Bice> "An expression of complete whore?"
Trademark> 'It was a cold, dead
kind of face. Like you'd find on your corpses and bodies.'
WryGrin> Aw, the professor can't rise when he's excited.
WryGrin> 'sounds like a drum solo.'
BEMaven> 'can i go home? it's dark and i've already shot myself
in both feet.'
WryGrin> The Pride of the Ozarks.
Bice> 'When drums stop, then comes bass solo.'
Trademark> The fiend apparently walks around with a portable
dentistry spit-sucker.
BEMaven> 'Gibbons! what's eating you?'
WryGrin> 'Gibbons! I see gibbons everywhere! Run from the gibbons!'
* Ironf has joined.
Ironf> The guy on my tv kept having a face, so I thought it
was the wrong channel.
THX-1138> So when Stan Winston was saying this movie had stop
motion animation, he was talking about all the actors?
Ironf> Was he... gibbed?
Trademark> They're taking orders from a turtle?
WryGrin> Uncle Joe calls the meeting to order.
Bice> The rejected cast of Gilligan's Island.
Trademark> 'Cows often secrete yogurt and brie, it happens
all the time.'
BEMaven> 'the drop in milk production is easy to explain: you
idiots are milking the bulls.'
THX-1138> Here comes the villiage ray-tard.
Ironf> He's just looking for Chunk.
WryGrin> "I'd like to take
a look at your cemetary."
Ironf> Have they shown Abbot or Costello yet?
DetJohnMunch> 'quiet, you'll wake the dead.'
WryGrin> Yeah, they locked you in... they're gonna just let
you out.
WryGrin> Set fire to the corpse, that will get you some light.
Trademark> And the noise he makes causes the cows to give off
kerosene instead of methane. And the townspeople bitch.
Bice> I love how candles emit millions of watts of power in
the movies.
BEMaven> the hell. is the Major wearing tap shoes in the crypt?
Trademark> Yep, start scratching out the days until you die.
DetJohnMunch> 'guard, sick man, water.'
WryGrin> Yeah, those crypts are airtight.
BEMaven> a cigarette? why not, that's just as healthy for a
stroke victim as booze.
Trademark> 'Oh, and Rosebud!'
Bice> "It's a terrible story"... I call it 'Hudson
BEMaven> that sound. there must be sand in his pacemaker.
WryGrin> "It's a terrible story" --- 'Yeah, but we
filmed it anyway'
Trademark> Hanford!
Trademark> My parents went to Hanford, and all I got was this
lousy third arm.
BEMaven> never mind that. what about the milk production? i
need to know!
Plumm> 'Because it's a meth lab, my child.'
Trademark> 'Tying a dog collar
to my head.'
THX-1138> Early Jerker lab tests.
Trademark> Uh-oh, a closet drummer finds an outlet.
THX-1138> I call it Cerebus.
Trademark> 'Did I mention that my head was hooked up directly
to the lightning rod atop the lab? I don't know why I did that.'
THX-1138> Imagine, with that telepathic device, no one will
ever have to turn a page with their hands EVER!
Bice> Jeeze, I don't even keep my PC on during a thunderstorm.
He straps his head to the equipment and doesn't bother turning
it off.
Trademark> He's sacrificed himself as a surge protector, Bice.
Ironf> He's just doing this so he can masturbate and type at
full speed all at once.
BEMaven> why the leather band on his head? did his brain get
a hernia?
THX-1138> "I learned to amplify my thoughts without hurting
THX-1138> Most people would envision a really hot chick that
would pleasure them, but he envisions a brain sucking monster.
WryGrin> 'Hey you fiends, get the hell out of my yard.'
THX-1138> 'We make monsters the old fashioned way - we think
about them.'
WryGrin> And the rest of the
cast shows up.
Bice> Just shakin' the bushes, boss.
Plumm> Inspector Tiger?
Trademark> The fiend! He's no landscaper!
BEMaven> wow. first time i actually heard an actor scream 'Wauuughh'.
Plumm> o/~ It's the story of a Hurricane o/~
THX-1138> Say their names 3 times and they become visible.
Trademark> Casper is here, and he's pissed.
THX-1138> Johnny Blue Jeans, noooooooooooo!
WryGrin> Johnny Cool bites the dust.
BEMaven> monsters attacking and they suddenly to decide to
rearrange the furniture?
Plumm> Donovan's Brain... taking a shit.
Trademark> Quick, call in the Iron Chef!
THX-1138> Was that Andy Warhol?
DetJohnMunch> so why are they still standing NEAR the window?
WryGrin> A meatloaf infestation.
Plumm> Did I miss the part where
we went from telepathy to brains and spinal cords climbing trees?
Ironf> Are they going to attack those Indians in the distance?
BEMaven> 'can you spot the brains of the outfit?'
DetJohnMunch> it's nice to see that those things falling from
the sky in the first Eraserhead dream sequence got other work.
Trademark> Man, the brains should eat less sodium. Listen to
that blood pressure.
BEMaven> quick, burn your organ donor cards.
Ironf> plop.
Bice> Ah, they're jelly-filled.
Plumm> Smucker's!
Trademark> Neckhuggers!
BEMaven> he died as he lived... short on brains.
Trademark> And lo, the Shiatsu brains rose up and slew the
Bice> Yes, blowing up the control room automatically shuts
down a nuclear power plant.
Plumm> And he dips the corpse.
WryGrin> What was that frame rate - 6 per second?
THX-1138> Somewhere, an Observer dies.
Plumm> It's got diarrhea of the brain.
Trademark> Enjoy the music stolen from an educational short.
DetJohnMunch> why is the atomic plant at the top of an apartment
Bice> Good thing they left the
hammer lying there.
THX-1138> nothing more dangerous than a brain with a hammer.
Trademark> Uh-oh, they've advanced to tool usage.
Trademark> Maybe it's the brain of Bob Vila, so it'll hand
the work off to other brains after a minute or so.
THX-1138> Flying Brains, the new screen saver!
WryGrin> That one was filled with Hormel Chili.
Plumm> Feed me, Seymour.
Trademark> I think they've got the same stuff in them that
Stretch Armstrong had...
Bice> The great thing is, once they shut the power plant down
the things go back to being invisible. No messy cleanup.
Bice> I'll have a Bavarian Cream filled brain, please.
THX-1138> You might want to dodge it when it flies at you.
THX-1138> Is that stop motion? I couldn't tell.
BEMaven> more like stunted motion.
Plumm> Stop, motion, what's that sound? Brains farting jelly,
what's going round.
WryGrin> Meanwhile, now the radioactivity which leaks from
the destroyed plant *does* affect the cattle.
BEMaven> but wait. the Professor didn't mention his experiments
in projecting his other organ.
Plumm> And watch my breakthrough series, MANIMAL!
Trademark> Would we want to see him shocking that one, BEM?
Capt. Chester: "If he was killed."
Col. Butler: "Tell him to pour it on!"
Gibbons: "You found that GI killer yet? You know,
you'd be far better off hunting him down instead of tomcatting
around here."
Maj. Cummings: "Promise them anything, but get a hold
of those bodies."
Maj. Cummings: "It's as if some mental vampire was
at large."
Coroner: "I'm a doctor , Colonel, not a detective."
Maj. Cummings: "I'd like to take a look at your cemetary."
Barbara: "I didn't know you had a laboratory."
Prof. Walgate:"I learned to amplify my thoughts without
hurting myself."
Prof. Walgate: "I believe it feeds on the radiation
from your atomic plant, and that it's evil!"
As a strict vegetarian,
BEMaven would only eat the brain of Trent Lott. And
only if the Two Fat Ladies prepared it.