Assault on Death Mountain. This is the "stunning" sequeal to Assault on Devil's Island. We end up with the same players as in the first, but just a "new" story line. Well it's new to this franchise. We actually get two, two, two movies in one. In the beginning we have the A-Tea....Umm Hogan's team rescuing a little girl from her father who has secreted her from the country. After all that's over, they go to track down a guy that killed Hogan's old NAM buddy or something. Hogan finds him and confronts him alone, only to get injected with a virus. This virus is deadly and also makes your skin orange. Well the rest of the movie is the team trying to find the guy again and then get the antidote to it. The End.
mgrasso> good lord.
mgrasso> hulkster looks like lance with hairplugs.
Pinwiz> Shannon "Breasts" Tweed
mgrasso> assault on cheap CGI mountain.
BryanL> Hulk's got his Sonny Chiba Sittin' There mojo working.
Ironf> I did not know that Hulk was a psychic warrior for the military
mgrasso> vancouver. or LA. your choice.
BryanL> Titboxing!
BryanL> Tae-Bo: Assault On Flab Mountain
Pinwiz> Shannon Tweed vs. Dolly Parton is the a steel cage fight to the death!
Ironf> It's the Hulkamaniacs 2000
Pinwiz> So we've got the built white guy, the built black guy, the woman, and the gay AV geek?
Ironf> basically.
Ironf> Is Weathers suppossed to be 'preppy'
BryanL> Did Devil's Island actually end with characters like this in a situation like this, or is it just a spiritual sequel?
Pinwiz> Little dd you know that the AV guy is a master of disguise. He's dressed up as Shannon
BryanL> You know what, guys? This is just the establishing mission.
BryanL> We've got a whole other episode... er, movie after this is over.
BEMaven> a women walks right in and claims she's the mother and they immediately believe her. okay.
Ironf> You know, for her age, Tweed still looks pretty good. Everyone knows she's 85, right?
KevinL> I love it when a Made-for-TNT movie comes together.
Ironf> She has to go check her air pressure, ifyaknow what I mean
mgrasso> not only are they the size of basketballs, they have the texture of basketballs too.
Ironf> Someone please remind me to check who was the Hogan Hairpiece Wrangler.
MFlavin> Hulk Hogan IS the homeless Fabio in "Assault on Death Mountain"
mgrasso> faith ford and jane fonda in a battle to the death!
BryanL> I think it's a sequel like Fierce Creatures was a sequel to Fish Called Wanda.
Plumm> So I have no TNT, in either room. Crap.
Ironf> Plumm, I hear Vinny Mac has messed with all the cable up there so you can't watch
Pinwiz> YOu see, this _is_ the X-files... remeber when Mulder rides on the lift to stop Krycheck?
Ironf> Hogan bows to no one, not even leverage.
KevinL> They did a nice job of reattaching Carl's arm, don't you think?
Ironf> Go go Hogan rangers!
BryanL> Oh, gyp! They've got a limo instead of a tricked-out supervan!
Ironf> See Hogan, that's the price you pay for rubbing your body with butter and taning on the roof like Kramer. You get slick.
KevinL> Man, they Assaulted the living shit out of Death Mountain. Now what are they gonna do for the next 90 minutes.
BryanL> Hey, they've got their group dynamic going. One of 'em calls the other one "boss", and the other one doesn't like it.
KevinL> I'm black, I'm supposed to call you "boss". You're supposed to call me "boy". Didn't you see The Phantom Menace?
Ironf> Now it's crossed with Millennium and Hogan has powers like LANCE
BryanL> Psychic ability is linked directly to the cragginess of your face.
Ironf> Hogan "grew" some hair.
MFlavin> Their hq is in a high school gym, apparently
Hulk flashback voice-over> Me and my men were having a barbecue. As a joke, I threw a lead-acid battery into the fire. I didn't know! I never read the label! Anyway, I managed to get my mask on in time...
BryanL> Shannon's heard THIS music before.
Ironf> He's a budget Gary Busey
BryanL> He's the computer generated creation they made from Busey's brain after his motorcycle accident.
mgrasso> hulk ain't got time to bleed.
BEMaven> i could see Hogan as a Camp Counselor.
mgrasso> you know, i heard the first-person arcade shooter for this movie went straight to the lucrative "outside gas station" market
KevinL> Assault on Death Mountain: Hacksaw Jim Duggan's Revenge.
Ironf> Hacksaw beat cancer ya know.
KevinL> Yeah, Iron, but he lost to Capricorn.
Ironf> Well it's the back tail fin. In most matches that's an illegal move.
Ironf> Ahhh I get it now. That guy's the Equalizer and he's just getting rid of Hogan's A Team so he has more of the market to himself.
BEMaven> wait a minute. the world's most wanted terrorist...hidden for years by plastic surgery...and they find him in one jump cut?
Ironf> BTW the big guy is Reese, who wrestles in WCW too.
BEMaven> what a brilliant ploy. NORAD won't be expecting a missile fired from the general direction of Russia.
Ironf> So, now it's Mortal Kombat with a Tweed-Sonya and a Weathers-Jax
BryanL> His blood's one big steroid.
KevinL> Is that a giant molar around his neck? What'd he do, take it off a Cavity Creep that he whacked in NAM?
Ironf> Maybe it's a sharks tooth left over from Thunder in Paradise.
BryanL> Stupid emotional chick. Who let the femme in the super sekrit club again?
Ironf> Will she give him one last going away hump?
Ironf> 'Hi, yeah this legit acting sucks. I wanna do soft core again cause it's easier'
BEMaven> what are the odds this location was used in X-files?
Ironf> Any bets on a John Henry joke once in the mine?
BryanL> It's right next door to the cave where David Hasslehoff tried to steal Michael Gross's diamonds.
Ironf> go go power hulk!
KevinL> Is there any kind of tactical sense in planting an explosive on -top- of something?
KevinL> It's Dave Dederer. There gonna distract him by placing a kitty at his feet. He'll want to touch it.
MFlavin> basically, they ripped off X-Files, A-Team, F-Troop, and any other show that starts with a letter and a hyphen
BEMaven> great idea. let the summer intern handle the delicate bio weapon.
BryanL> Rocket warhead courtesy Cartoon Network.
BryanL> It ain't a Hogan movie without at least one bodyslam.
mgrasso> you know, hulk did shannon's stunts. and they were cunning stunts, too.
Ironf> Wow who knew she could kick her legs up so high around her head
thayer> and hulk knows how to disable a nuclear weapon now?
KevinL> What the fuck is in the fuckin' box!?
Ironf> He's got a Tim Curry vibe almost.
mgrasso> you know, looking at how blue he is, i'd say he just ate some of wonka's gum.
Ironf> Gulf War syndrome is like a volcano inside you.
Ironf> Number of shots fired-30,000 Number of shots hit-6
BryanL> You know the great thing about this movie? It's persistence. It continues to be on, despite serving no purpose whatsoever for the last hour and 45 minutes.
KevinL> Plumm should be on his knees thanking beautiful Christ that he can't see this movie.
thayer> all i could think whenever they showed the blond chick was 'when did i start watching la femme nikita?'
mgrasso> action jackson *is* slim pickens *in* dr. strangehulk.
BEMaven> he's infected with Fruit Roll-Ups?
BryanL> Finally, some GPS.
mgrasso> hulkster exec produced!
thayer> "hulk" hogan stylist...did not show up for the making of this production
"I hear you help people"
"Wow, that's some nanny."
"Static hell, someone's getting their ass kicked."
"You're messing with me, Man."
"You are a man among men".
"You gotta let these people do their thing."
"You have an unstable vrus in your system."
"Have you looked in the mirror lately?"
"It's the orders you disobey that make you famous."
![]() | Here we have David Hasslehoff teaching Tweed how to run in slow-mo |
Before he started work on American Pie, Eugene Levy took some time to do a part in the movie | ![]() |
![]() | Nicholas Worth, veteran b-movie action of such HG hits as Barbwire, Dark Angel: The Ascent, Darkman, and Timelock gave one hundred and ten percent while he was on camera. |